Individuals > Deposits > Premium Plus


Discover the deposits offered by our bank

Premium Plus offers premium interest rates for NEW MKD and EUR deposits.Your savings deposits may be on 12, 13, 24, 25 and 36 months, with the option of monthly interest payment or interest payment at the end of the term of the deposit.

Term Premium Plus deposits in MKD with a fixed interest rate:
13 months 3,80%
24 months 4,00%
36 months 4,10%
Term Premium Plus deposits in EUR with a fixed interest rate:
12 months 3,00%
25 months 3,30%
36 months 3,30%
The minimum amount for term savings is MKD 6.000 / EUR 100.
The interest is calculated and paid at the end of the term or monthly.
Interest rates are annual and fixed.
There is no possibility to automatically reschedule the deposit.
Additional payments are not possible on an already term deposit.
The Bank keeps the right to change the terms without a prior notice.
NOTE: For all existing deposits that are due in the next period and for which the customers will want to have premium interest rates, they will have to increase the installment amount by min. 20% with new cash (new funds).

The total deposits of the Bank's depositors are insured at the Deposit insurance Fund. The Fund shall indemnify the total deposits per depositor, to than MKD equivalent at a bank, branch of a foreign bank or savings house, calculated at the middle exchange rate of the NBRNM on the day of cancellation of the Bank's work permit.

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